I’m a Library Assistant (Volunteer)

Tonight is a somewhat rare evening off. Tomorrow begins day one in a new volunteer position as an assistant librarian at Harvard–yep, you read that correctly, Harvard . . . Harvard Elementary, in Northwest Ohio.

Wait, before I forget, this month, the entire month, is Picture Book Month. Celebrate Picture Books!


I dropped off a load of books for the school’s library and lo-and-behold the school needed a library assistant. I’ve always thought working in a kid’s library would be fun; story hour and all. Looks like my duties will be of the work with books, not kids variety: reshelving books and checking books in and out.

When I was a kid, going to this same school district, school libraries were a one-librarian operation. My how things have changed! Now, there are eight librarians–all former teachers, now with MLS degrees–running the entire district. That is 8 librarians for 61 elementary schools, 9 middle schools, and at least 1 of the 21 high schools. (This may not include the charter schools.) I had no idea there are 91 schools in my rather small city. Maybe I spent too much time in Columbus, Ohio, a large metropolis, to think  my little ole’ city had that many people or needed that many schools.

Harvard Elementary

Harvard Elementary

Back to children’s books. In the following weeks there are two character interviews and one author interview waiting to enthrall you. Plus, many Christmas books to brighten your holiday, several witty picture books to make you laugh a couple to make you think, and a few chapter books for those new readers. Ah, yes, there are middle grade books to capture your imagination. And I think one of those middle grade novels is simply brilliant and unforgettable.

Speaking of MG, Kid Lit Reviews will be in the Best of Middle Grade Sites in the November/December issue of Middle Shelf Magazine. Now I’ll need to get working ad make sure I deserve the honor.

Best Blogs Badge 2015

Please return tomorrow for  review of, let me check my schedule, Crow Made a Friend (I Like to Read®) by author/illustrator Margaret Peot (Holiday House, 8/10/2015) .

See you tomorrow!

20 thoughts on “I’m a Library Assistant (Volunteer)

  1. Congratulations on the library assistant job. I always thought working in a library would be my heaven job. And a big WHOOHOO for being a “Best of Middle Grades Sites”. Bowing.


  2. Perfect match! It’s like a cone in an ice cream factory. Michael Phelps in Lake Erie. A monkey on a banana plantation. And it’s about time you were recognized as a Best Middle Grade site. Well deserved. Congratulations.


  3. This is great! I’m not sure who is luckier, you or them. Just remember what happens in the library stays in the library. LOL I always come home smiling (and pooped) from volunteering at my local library. Yesterday, there was a grandmother who could not get her young grandson (around 3 years) to leave the library. She tried everything! Then there was a mother that asked her daughter if the book had too many words! I kid you not. More picture book fodder than you can shake a stick at there. You’ll love it and they’ll love you. ❤


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