Excerpt: Sir Princess Petra’s Talent

While the Kid Lit Reviews reviewer takes time off to recover from foot surgery, we are pleased to present a very special post from Diane Robinson’s soon to be released Sir Princess Petra’s Talent from her Pen Pieyu Adventure Series.  This is an excerpt from chapter one.

 talent lighter version      The Royal Rule Book, Again

Excerpt from Chapter 1

      .   .Petra awoke to the sound of the royal councilman’s bugle.  She hastily dressed in leggings and a tunic full of rips and holes from a recent jousting practice and scurried to the royal throne room.

.   ..   .The king and queen of Pen Pieyu sat on their ragged, leather thrones.  Her mother had a nervous look about her, and her father, a sly grin.  The royal councilman was running in circles until he came upon the royal rule book, which lay under Claymore, the royal mastiff.


.    .   .Somehow, Petra thought, the royal rule book looked much thicker than last she had seen it.  That could only mean trouble.  Petra rolled her eyes and gave a little moan.

.  . .   .“Father, Mother,” Petra said with a bow, “you summoned me?”

.   ..   .“Yes, my little Princess Knight,” her father replied, rather surly, as he watched the royal councilman point to a section in the royal rule book.  The king stood, cleared his throat, then bellowed out, “It is hereby written that all Princess Knights of the Kingdom of Pen Pieyu must attend Talent School before their tenth year of age.  They will be sent to the Land of Lost Donkeys and, under the instruction of King Asterman, learn a talent fit for a princess.  After which time, the hereby-said princess—meaning you—will return to the Kingdom of Pen Pieyu with a proper princess talent and a certificate.”

.   ..   .Petra felt her face flush and her manners fly out the window.  “That is ridiculous!  I am a royal knight since I have accomplished the deed of hushing the howling dragon, Snarls, in the Forest of Doom.  I should be treated as a royal knight and not this sissy princess stuff!  And, besides, you just wrote that part—”

.   ..   .“Silence!” the king roared.

.   ..   .The royal councilman’s eyes grew extremely wide.  He flipped the page of the royal book and scan0002backed away.

.   ..   .The king gave his you-had-better-be-quiet glare toward Petra, then continued to read, loudly,   “The hereby-said Princess Knight will acquire a talent certificate or be in forfeit of this royal rule.  Forfeiting this royal rule will entitle the royal magician to turn the hereby-said Princess Knight into a frog to live in the bogs for a period of five years.”  The king smirked and plopped back onto his chair.

.   ..   .“You made that all up!”  Petra gave her best that’s-not-fair stare.  “Our kingdom has never had a Princess Knight, nor any knight for that matter, before me.  And as if a person can be turned into a frog.”  She wondered about this for just a moment.  “At any rate, I would rather be a frog than learn to crochet!”  Petra blurted and crossed her arms.

Book 1: Sir Princess Petra proved to be an awarding experience for Ms. Robinson. She was awarded the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Emerging Artists Award for Children’s Book Author, took 2nd place in the Purple Dragonfly Book awards for Children’s Chapter Book, and is a finalist in the 2013 Readers’ Favorite International Awards for Children Grade K – 3rd.

Diane Robinson’s Book 2: Sir Princess Petra’s Talent will be available on September 24, 2013.  Starting then, she will also begin a book blog tour that will run until the 8th of October.  Kid Lit Reviews is pleased to review the book and interview one of the main characters, but also to host Ms. Robinson’s book blog tour.Finished #1

website:  http://www.dianemaerobinson.com/

blog:  http://www.dragonsbook.com/

Twitter:    @DianeMaeRobinso (not a typo – forget the ‘n’)
Once in a royal era, along comes a truly noble story that is charming and majestic, while embracing timeless values through a deeper message.

An honorable and worthy message about believing in yourself, the acceptance of others, and the grace of kindness.  This is that story.

talent lighter version.


Sir Princess Petra’s Talent

Diane Mae Robinson

Tate Publishing

September 24, 2013


30 thoughts on “Excerpt: Sir Princess Petra’s Talent

  1. Pingback: Interview#21 – Characters from Sir Princess Petra’s Talent by Diane Robinson | Kid Lit Reviews

  2. This book sounds wonderful! I loved the excerpt and fell in love with Petra straight away! The illustrations are great too! I hope your foot is doing better.

    Paul R. Hewlett


  3. Pingback: Book Blog Tour for Ms. Diane Robinson and Sir Princess Petra’s Talent | Kid Lit Reviews

  4. Pingback: Fantasy Kids Book – Excerpt. | One Girl Writes

  5. Hope you heal up fast! Great portrait of the character. I have to agree – do not call on me if you have a crocheting emergency 🙂 Thanks for hosting!


  6. Pingback: Best of Summer 2013 Giveaway Hop: Sir Princess Petra, Book 1 | Mother Daughter Book Reviews

  7. Pingback: Book Spotlight and Giveaway: Sir Princess Petra, Book 1 | Mother Daughter Book Reviews

  8. Looks like a great book! I’m with the Princess Knight all the way. Get well soon after your surgery 🙂


  9. I’ve had a computer virus for about 4 or 5 days now. I really wish I could just take some extra Vitamin C and be rid of it! It sure is making it impossible to do what I normally do and playing catch-up may be impossible! I hope I haven’t missed too much!

    This book looks good 🙂


    • Sorry to hear that. I had trouble with my laptop for a while. We had to wipe it totally clean and start all over. It was a pain. I hope you son’t need to do that. If so, email me and I’ll give you a couple pointers. If there is a way I can help you catch up, let me know. 🙂


      • Thanks, Sue 🙂 You’re so kind! Thank God, Gary (like a second son to me, grew up next door) was able to get it under control. It’s what he does for a living, but I hate bothering him with it : /


  10. Awesome! Can’t wait to read it! Wishing you a speedy recovery. xox


    • Thanks for the soup. The hot August nights have turned fairly cold, like it is fall already. So soup sounds so good right now. It better heat up, I still want to go to the pool after this bandage is removed on Friday. But, what about the excerpt? Did you like it? Pretty good writer, huh?


      • Aw, writers-smiters. They’re a dime a dozen. Oh, wait, I’m the writer. (&(&%%** Oh, that was Snarls saying he’s the writer.
        Wait . . . 98&%%$&%^&() Okay, yes, I won. I’m the writer. Why am I having this fight with a ficticious dragon?


  11. Surgery? Ouch! More pain! Hope all goes well! I’m looking forward to “Sir Princess Petra’s Talent” book tour! I know it will be a fun one!


    • I’m so glad you liked Petra. I can’t wait to read your review during the tour. I will be sending a couple of illustrations for you to use, if you;d like. I think this is going to be a good tour for Diane. 🙂


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