And Here is the Winning Doodle!

Check it Out!!

Hey, Look! A Writer Fellow!

Last week, the lovely and talented Kid Lit Reviews won my second Win a Doodle Contest. So she gets a doodle on the subject of her choice.

Kid Lit, who, it turns out, is a devoted animal rights activist, gave me her request:

How about a Great Dane standing guard over a few dogs that are behind him? The Dane is the rescuer and has rescued these other dogs from the mean streets and bad homes and now refuses to let anyone else harm them.

Okee doke, Kid Lit; your wish is my command.

great dane the protector

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9 thoughts on “And Here is the Winning Doodle!

  1. I just LOVE these dogs! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wish Mike would take his entertaining, EXcellent “doodles” seriously and do a comic strip or a book with individual comics in them or ANYthing that uses these “doodles”! (Mike, did you read this comment? I’m not even suggesting full-out stories or a graphic novel! I would buy it in a blink of Samantha Stevens’ eye! 😀 )


  2. This is one “killer” Dane. A wonderful protector of abused and neglected dogs, he will be framed and hang on my writing wall. When finally opened, I might lose him to the new office of the rescue, but it will be worth it. Thanks, Mike, you did a great job. I think you are a gifted artist! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😀 (5 smile rating)


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