#865 – Nibbles the Book Monster by Emma Yarlett


Nibbles the Book Monster
Written and Illustrated by Emma Yarlett
Kane Miller EDC Publishing   3/01/2016
20 pages     Ages 6+

NIBBLES, the book eating MONSTER, has nibbled his way out of his own book and now he’s causing mischief and mayhem in other people’s stories! Look out! [back cover]

Nibbles the Book Monster loves books . . . for lunch. Nibbles loves to nibble his way through books, eating out the back cover of one book into the cover of another book. Locked in a wooden box, Nibbles story begins by telling the reader the things Nibbles likes to nibble (soap, socks, rubber ducks, and books). Then Nibbles is gone! He has escaped! Nibbles nibbled right through the spread we are reading. Where did he go?

e4Nibbles continues nibbling through a bookshelf of books, landing in the middle of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Goldilocks has eaten the large and medium sized bowls of porridge. As she approaches the small bowl of porridge, she screams. The porridge is gone! In the bowl sits a smiling Nibbles. By the time the three bears get home, Nibbles has nibbled his way out of the back cover right into Little Red Riding Hood then Jack and the Beanstalk. The golden goose flies Nibbles back into his own book, where he belongs—in his wooden crate. Now, keep a good eye on this crate. And DO NOT LIFT the crate’s fla—

goneNibbles the Book Monster is a creative fractured fairy tale of gastronomic proportions. Nibbles just cannot help himself. I expected him to be twice his normal size by his story’s end. Must be all the frenetic nibbling that keeps him fit and trim (for a monster). The round, yellow little guy reminds me of Pac-man, except he nibbles rather than gobbles. The book itself, created with portions of each fairy tale inside it, gives the reader more pages to flip through and holes to explore in hopes of finding Nibbles. Emma Yarlett (Big Bear’s Bottom) created a book with a textural effect young children will enjoy. Most children will easily recognize the three books Nibbles enters, making it easy to understand the havoc Nibbles wreaks upon the stories.

e2Nibble the Book Monster will not scare anyone, except Goldilocks. He is a fun, humorous book lover. Nibbles will entertain young children who will find his antics wonderful, as he chews and chomps from book to book. Oddly, Nibbles is just the character to encourage young children to nibble their way through books (using their eyes to chomp each page). As Nibbles ravenously feeds from book-to-book, so can children. Nibbles the Book Monster will become a favorite of monster-loving boys and girls. They will eagerly help Nibbles escape. A plush Nibbles is available for kids to love. Parents, Plush Nibbles can also nibble into other book covers, helping kids ravenously read more and more books.

NIBBLES THE BOOK MONSTER. Text and illustrations copyright © 2016 by Emma Yarlett. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Kane Miller EDC Publishing, San Diego, CA.

Book:  AmazonBook DepositoryIndie BooksKane Miller
Plush Nibbles: Kane Miller

Find Nibbles the Book Monster on Goodreads HERE.
Learn How to Make a Nibbles Bookmark HERE.

Emma Yarlett:  http://www.emmayarlett.com/
Follow on Twitter          @EmmaYarlett
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Kane Miller EDC Publishing:  http://www.kanemiller.com/
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English Association Picture Book Prize
Nominated for Kate Greenway


UK version:  Book DepositoryLittle Tiger Press


Reprinted with permission from NIBBLES THE BOOK MONSTER © 2016 by Emma Yarlett, Kane Miller EDC Publishing.

Copyright © 2016 by Sue Morris/Kid Lit Reviews. All Rights Reserved

Full Disclosure: Nibbles the Book Monster by Emma Yarlett, and received from Kane Miller EDC Publishing, is in exchange NOT for a positive review, but for an HONEST review. The opinions expressed are my own and no one else’s. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nibbles the Book Monster
Written and Illustrated by Emma Yarlett
Kane Miller EDC Publishing 3/01/2016


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