Interview: Character Chase Danger, Super Spy


Today we have a fun interview with a powerful character. His name is Chase Danger and he is a seven-year-old Super Spy. Yes, you read that correctly, he is seven-years-old, 7!  And he is a super spy.  Here with Chase Danger is one of the co-authors of the second book in the series., Chase Olivera, who happens to be seven-years-old. Yes, once again you read this correctly. A seven-year-old writer and a seven-year-old apy.

Tomorrow,  Chase Danger, Super Spy Book 2: Pirates of Pineapple Island will be reviewed HERE! (after midnight tonight)  Please welcome Chase and Chase!

Chase Danger, 7-year-old Super Spy………………



Chase Danger, Super Spy

Welcome to Kid Lit Reviews Chase. Thank you  for stopping by. Your cohort, Ali BAli  is very courageously fighting crime by herself so you could be here.  (Please, leave the pineapple pizza in the virtual green room.)



Chase Danger – Your new book is called Pirates of Pineapple Island. In it, you and new pal Ali Bali fight pirates. Why are you fighting them? 

They attacked Zalezgon! They stole my pineapples! What were we supposed to do? They started it. And when we found out that Aiden was kidnapped, there was no turning back.


Captain Looney called the two of you “dirty-diapered babies.” Is this true?

Nothing Captain Looney says is true. I don’t believe pirates. They tend to lie because they only think of themselves. They were talking about themselves being dirty and stinky. Captain Looney was actually smelling himself.


We know you like pineapple pizzas, but what do you like to drink when eating them?

I love pina coladas with the adult stuff taken out. Pineapples and coconuts are the best!
Zalezgon makes the best pina coladas because he has the best pineapples, and the best coconuts. Did you know that coconuts are just as important as pineapples?

Other than your own stories, what is your favorite story and why?

I’m a big fan of Indiana Jones and James Bond. Adventure. Action. Explosions. It’s a lot of fun.
I haven’t seen the newest Bond films. But I really liked “The Crystal Skull”. My parents
grumble a lot when we watch it.


Princess Ali Bali smiles a lot when around you. Why does she smile so much?

I smile when I’m happy. Ali smiles when she’s keeping secrets from me. What’s up with girls and their secrets anyways?


Chase, why is it fun to fight bad guys?

They make funny sounds when I punch them in the nose. Bad guys are really no good. But all I really want is to keep my family and friends, and it’s fun to do that.


If there were no more bad guys in the world, what would you then do? Would it include
Ali Bali?

I would still spy on everyone. But I wouldn’t find anyone doing anything wrong, so I wouldn’t
have to beat anyone up. Ali would help me when she can come over.


Book one was about the special sauce and book two about the topping. Will book three
have anything to do with your favorite pizza?

I really wish bad guys would leave my pizza alone! I really hope book 3 doesn’t have anything
to do with pizza, because I’m getting tired of bad guys thinking they can mess with my pizza! I
hope there is pizza in book 3, though. I hope I’m eating it.


Where do super spies like you and Ali Bali go to school? It is mandatory for kids to go to
school. Is this where you learned all your spy tricks?

Yes we go to school, and we enjoy it. They didn’t teach me anything about being a spy. Ali and I learned on our own. There was a super-spy summer camp that we went to once. But my parents thought it was a regular summer camp. I’m pretty sure that’s going to be in book 4, so I can’t say much more about it now. Ali and I have really done it on our own, with very little help.


The next Chase Danger book is Curse of the Veisky. What is a viesky?

Not “a veisky”. The Veisky! He’s a very nice guy. Everyone likes him. Everyone still likes him
no matter what I’ve said, and no matter what he’s done! That’s what makes him so dangerous. I like him. I wish I didn’t. I’m going to catch him one day. I’m in the process now.

chase bk 2 coaster lg

What regular kid things do you like to do?

Spy. Beat up bad guys. Play with my friends. Eat pizza. What do regular kids do? If I had
brothers and sisters, I would spy on them. But I don’t, so I have to spy on other people.


If Chase Danger could go anywhere in the world and do anything he wanted, what
would it be?

I’d like to visit the Great Wall of China. I saw it when I was in space. Have you ever seen it from space? I’d like to go back to space as well, while I’m still young. Without having to blow
anything up. Just to float and look at the stars.


Chase Danger, Super Spy, thank you for answering a few questions. Is there anything you want your readers to know?

Yes. Please do not try to harm my family, friends, country or pizza. Or you will be sorry. And eat at Zalezgon’s for the holidays, he’s a great guy with a great family. If you don’t like pizza, try his Spicy Jalapeño Double Chunk o’ Cheesy Guacamole Burger. And to Mr. and Mrs. Bali, can Ali come over to play tomorrow? We have a lot of work to do.

Chase, do you really think they will post a comment and answer you?  No Way!


Chase and Mom poseOkay, one last question. This time for the real Chase, Chase Olivera. What do you like best about playing Chase Danger? What do you like the least?

I like playing the part of Chase Danger because I think that he is me. It’s fun to record my voice,but sometimes I have to say the same line over and over and it gets boring.


Thank you Chase Danger for being here today and answering a few questions. With all the crime out there Kid Lit Reviews was certainly lucky to get a piece of your time.

And a special thank you to Chase Olivera, the boy behind the boy.  This is you and your mother’s second Chase Danger, Super Spy book. Congratulations.

Tomorrow, Kid Lit Reviews will review the latest Chase Danger book called Pirates of Pineapple Island. You can read that review HERE! (tonight after midnight)


Chase Danger #2 from websiteChase Danger, Super Spy, Book 2:

Pirates of Pineapple Island

Authors: Chase and Linda Olivera

Illustrator: Adam Goodman

Publisher: Magic Fire Music

Release Date: 2012

ISBN: 978-0-9836574-1-5

Number of Pages: 32

Ages: 4 to 8

 copyright ©2012 Olivera and Magic Fire Music, used with permission

book donated to library courtesy of author & publisher



If you would like to learn more about Chase Danger, Super Spy, or the real Chase Olivera (pictured above with his mother Lisa), who came up with the idea for these stories, here are the links. Tomorrow a review of book 2 Pirates of Pineapple Island will be reviewed. To read this click HERE! (after midnight tonight)




Illustrator Adam Goodman:

Publisher, Magic Fire Music:

4 thoughts on “Interview: Character Chase Danger, Super Spy

  1. Pingback: Chase Danger, Super Spy, #2: Pirates of Pineapple Island by Case and Lisa Olivera « Kid Lit Reviews

    • Hi Diane. Yes, I do feel safer after talking with the young crime-fighter. He is probably tied for the youngest with Ali Bali, his partner. I was hoping he would stay long enough to make a comment or reply to one, but the world is loaded with crime these days. Kid Lit Reviews and its reader’s loss.



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