MustTake an Unexpected Break

I feel terrible that there have not been any new reviews the past few days.  This was not a scheduled break and fortunately not a break at all.  It is more of a dislocation.

Things went a bit crazy for a while last Wednesday afternoon.  I came home, greeted my two kitties, got a drink, and put on dinner: broccoli, chicken, and a baked potato.  Yep, I use the oven in the summer, thanks to air conditioning.

That is not the crazy part.  I usually remove my shoes immediately but instead put together seven days worth of medication in one of those boxes that have seven individual boxes, each with four compartments for medicine for four different times of the day.  I still had not removed my shoes.  This was a bad move.  A very bad move.


I picked up the medicine box/boxes, turned the corner around the bed, and promptly tripped on the carpet because I still had on my tennis shoes.  I went flying and the medicine from each individual box went flying under the bed, against the wall, and underneath me. For the past month my hip has popped out a bit and then I popped it back in place,  So, when my hip went out I tried for about half an hour to put it back in.  I had to give up when the broccoli began burning.

I have one of those “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” buttons I wear around my neck.  I have refused to use it in the past but on Wednesday, with broccoli burning on the stove and chicken turning into rubber in the oven, I . . . pushed . . . that . . . darned . . . button.  The nice thing is, on the other end are people ready to contact the police, fire, or medics AND give them the number of emergency maintenance so they can easily get in my apartment.  And the “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” people called the squad, but forgot to call the maintenance department.

With a huge crowbar, the fire department knocked down my door (thank goodness for renter’s insurance). The first thing they did was throw the broccoli pan in the sink, turn off the oven putting the chicken on the counter–, where it sat for almost two days–, and open some windows.  Then, they came looking for me.  Another half hour later, and much yelling by me, I found myself in the ambulance for a terrifyingly bumpy ride.


At the emergency room, 4 individual pain shots did nothing to relieve the pain, so I was twilighted with a nasty medicine that lets you go through the procedure, but not remember what happened.  It was then that my dislocated hip was put back into place.  The next day I went home but have not been up to writing or much of anything these last few days.

Before I forget, the firemen were really considerate, placing a pillow under my head to make me more comfortable, as if that were possible.   I did not realize they had used one of my pillows and I left it in the hospital room.  One very expensive pillow with a nice silky case on it gone.  I realized what happen at three in the morning when I woke up and went to bed.  The lovely nurses at St. Luke’s Hospital in Maumee, Ohio noticed which pillow did not belong and put it in a bag behind the nurse’s station.  My very fluffy pillow and its brown silky case are back home where it matches the other pillow.

I am trying to get back to writing and am hoping to have a new review up by Monday.  It is time I got back to life.  So, again I apologize for leaving you with the same post these past few days (sorry, I have no idea how many days have past; it is much too much work trying to count that high).  I hope everyone has been doing well, or at least better than me . . . or is it I?

40 thoughts on “MustTake an Unexpected Break

  1. Yes, Sue, I’m so glad everything turned out okay and you are mending. Kitties are okay, Erik is okay. Pillow is okay.Was the fireman cute? Okay, I’m so happy you’re okay.

    Found another smiley that works here — 🙄


    • FireMEN were cute, all of them! 🙂

      Yes, Erik is okay. I was most worried about him. He lives one state over so it can be hard to check on him. I asked the firemen to check on him, breaking down his door, if necessary, but the Story Reading Ape got there first. After a bit of confusion, the Great Ape reported Erik was fine. So I am happy. 😀


    • Theodore, also know as Theo and Buddy, is the white ragdoll. When I get the better photos onto my computer you’ll see his beautiful blue eyes. The younger grey kitty is Baby Girl, also known as Shorty and Stinker. She has one of those names that just happened. ❓

      Theo is a ragdoll. I picked that breed because they are docile, puppy like in play, and like to cuddle. Ragdolls also love to sleep and will suddenly flop over, fast asleep, when the urge hits them. Theo is not a typical ragdoll. He is far from docile, not much for cuddling, but does flop like a rag when picked up, and plays more like a puppy than a cat, still at age 4. Theo loves to go for walks and runs outside–on a leash. 😀


  2. So sorry this happened! Sounds painful! Glad you are on the mend. I, too, thought it was the beginnings of an adventure mystery story you were writing – “The Case of My Missing Fluffy Pillow.” Sending virtual hugs and flowers to you and catnip for your cute kitties. ~C.L. Murphy


    • I’ve been told to turn this “adventure” into a story. With my sense of humor no one would publish it. “The Case of My Missing Fluffy Pillow” sounds possible. Hm. Oh, I like flowers. So does my oldest kittie so make them “cat safe.” I need to get a better picture onto my computer of Theo. That side shot didn’t show his pretty blue eyes. 🙂


  3. I was reading this thinking – This can’t be real! She’s writing a new adventure book. Or maybe it’s an April Fool’s thing. But then you didn’t say that in the end, so I guess it’s for real. Major bummer. Boy. This was when you really needed a dog – Lassie go get help!! I would have been happy to help with the chicken and broccoli. And lick your face. I hope those cats are taking care of you! Take it easy and get yourself all back together! I’m sending happy thoughts and prayer your way!


    • Major bummer for sure! Too bad it isn’t April, it would have only been a prank. Or October. It would have been a trick. But it is July, so . . . bummer!

      I do have a dog. Did you notice the puppy on the Home page? That is Fetch, my new puppy. He is staying at the rescue learning how to be a dog. The rescue has a nice pack that will show him how to act, and a human “Alpha Dog” that will train him better than anyone else could. He likes the kitties, but my youngest hides. She is not excited about having a new brother. 😦

      Cats are not taking care of me, but they are being nicer. Maybe they did get into the dropped meds. 😆 Thanks for the prayers and happy thoughts. 🙂


      • I did see that picture of a pup and wondered what was up with that! Good going! i hope we get to see and hear more about Fetch! Will he fetch the phone and meds for you? And maybe the chicken and broccoli?


  4. Dear Sue, I am so sorry to hear about what can only be called an ordeal. Glad you’ve got the call button – thank goodness! Super-nice of the nurses to keep your pillow for you – NURSES ROCK! I can’t say that enough. You take care of yourself and remember that your blogging schedule is your own. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t post something on time. Your bloggy buddies will always be there waiting. Virtual hugs xox


    • Yes, nurses rock! (Are you a nurse?)

      Are you sure the world will not end if we do not post as we should? I’ve got publishers, authors, and PR firms expecting to see their books reviewed–like you and Julie! I heard you two were so upset that you crossed the border looking for me and Julie tried to use the satellites to track me down. To me, that could have been the end of the world! How would I have ever run from you? Hobble, hobble, hobble . . . not gonna work . . . at least not for me! 😆

      It is nice to have bloggy buddies! Thanks for the hug. It helped. 😀


  5. OMGoodness! What an experience! Thank goodness for the magic button! What happened to the cats while you were gone? Did they eat the chicken and broccoli? Ha! I hope you’re on the road to recovery. I will send prayers and healing thoughts your way.

    Hugs from me and licks from Cupcake


    • The cats made out like, well, like spoiled kids being raised by a blessed mommy. My wonderful aide went to work late so she could stop by and check on them. She cleaned up meds and kitchen, fed them, gave them treats, played with them–my oldest cat acts crazy around her–then made sure they were safe before leaving. I am very blessed. 🙂

      I don’ think they were interested in the chicken. It was stuffed with broccoli, that wasn’t burned.


  6. I’m so sorry to hear about this. It sounds very painful and scary. How fortunate that you had on your help button. I will never wonder about the effectiveness of those again. Take your time and rest up until you feel better. Oh, and I’m happy you got your pillow back 🙂 Take care.

    Paul R. Hewlett


    • I’ve never liked the button and wasn’t so sure it would actually work wither. It seems to take forever to answer but someone was here, knocking down the door, within minutes. It should have bee scary but mostly it was maddening. More worried about my cats eating a bad, for them, medicine. They are smart, but not always. Kinda like me. 😉


  7. What an awful week! I’m surprised the cats didn’t help themselves to the food. My poorly behaved dog would have had a feast. Feel better.


  8. Oh, gosh, Sue! You poor thing! Thank goodness it all worked out, but what an ordeal for you! Take your time and rest – we will still be here when you’re up to getting back to blogging!


  9. I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles. It’s not just the terrible pain – it’s the shock and fear that goes with it. Give yourself some time and take it steady. Give yourself some treats also. Wishing you a speedy and permanent recovery. Take care.


  10. Glad to hear that you’re doing better. The blog can wait. Heal up,

    Now, all of this talk of chicken and broccoli has made me hungry. Time for breakfast!


    • I would gladly send you the uneaten dinner, but it did sit out overnight and was possibly sniffed, licked, or rejected by the cats. 🙂 I know you like to eat broccoli– Eat Your Broccoli –but I am afraid it burned to crispy without the use of oil or a fryer.


    • Hey, Chris, I’ll make sure this is passed on to Erik. He might be surprised to learn he had some troubles. I’m pretty sure you can pester him anytime! 🙂


  11. Wow. It sounds like you’ve had tough week. That’s a story that’s easier to read about than experience.
    I hope all is getting better and you’ll need to show that pesky hip who’s boss.


    • Hi Steve, nice to “see” you again. I thought I was the boss, but I guess all this time the hip was keeping a secret. I was told this adventure should be remembered for a book. What kind of book wasn’t said. Doubt I’d ever forget. 🙂


  12. Wow. You’ve had quite a week. It sounds like an adventure that’s easier to read about than experience. I hope you’re feeling better and that you show your pesky hip who’s boss from now on.


  13. Oh Sue I am so relieved to hear that you had a help button and are on the mend. So glad you didn’t burn down the house as well. Believe me I know what its like to fall and can’t get up + a bumpy ride to the hospital. Take care and hope that hip behaves itself and the pain relief helps.


    • Thanks. What happened to you? I am surprised. I thought living down under those things could not happen, that gravity prevented you from falling . . . at least falling down. 😉


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